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CrispConvotracker Policy

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Data collection

Personal or sensitive data handling

Data usage

Data sharing





CrispConvoTracker is an internal-use-only Chrome extension developed exclusively for use within PageFly Landing Page Builder. It is designed to streamline internal workflows by accessing the company's account on to extract and analyze text conversations for the purpose of identifying and addressing internal issues.

Data collection

CrispConvoTracker collects user data solely from the company's account on The data collected includes text conversations for analysis. It is important to note that CrispConvoTracker does not handle personal or sensitive user data beyond the context of internal text conversations.

Personal or sensitive data handling

CrispConvoTracker does not handle personal or sensitive user data in any capacity. It focuses solely on extracting and analyzing text conversations within the company's account on for internal use.

Data usage

The collected data is used exclusively for internal purposes within PageFly Landing Page Builder. It is utilized to analyze text conversations and aid in the development and resolution of internal issues. The extension does not use the data for any external purposes or share it with third parties.

Data sharing

CrispConvoTracker does not share user data with any external parties. All data collected remains within the internal systems of PageFly Landing Page Builder and is not disclosed to external entities.


The extension accesses the company's account on solely for the purpose of extracting text conversations for internal analysis. It does not access any other external websites, services, or user accounts.


We prioritize the security of user data and employ industry-standard measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data.


CrispConvoTracker is intended for internal use only within PageFly Landing Page Builder. External users are not subject to data collection or analysis by the extension.
For any inquiries or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact

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