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PageFly Authors

Meet our author, a skilled PageFly expert who specializes in page building, but also offers their expertise in CRO and marketing to help improve your Shopify store's performance and drive more conversions.

Author bio


Kate Nguyen

Hi! I'm Kate, a Customer Success Manager at PageFly. I started my career as a web designer, where I honed my skills in crafting intuitive interfaces and creating engaging user experiences. Eventually, my love for PageFly and commitment to our customers led me to embrace my current role as a CSM, where I combine my experience of understanding users with a passion for helping others.. Now, I'm devoted to ensuring that every PageFly user has a seamless and enjoyable experience while using our platform.

As a CSM, my top priority is to build strong relationships with our customers and provide them with the best guidance. I love working closely with my amazing team, addressing any issues or concerns, and implementing new strategies to enhance our customer experience.

I specialize in crafting PageFly blogs that delve into the world of Ecommerce Website Design and Shopify Pages

You can connect with me in LinkedIn and in the Shopify Community.

Post by Kate

Kate Nguyen

Build The Perfect Event Landing Page With These 7 Tips (Examples included)

7 つのヒントで完璧なイベント ランディング ページを構築しましょう (例付き)

Feb 21, 2022 Kate Nguyen

イベント ランディング ページは、イベントの見込み客を効果的に宣伝し、コンバージョンさせるのに不可欠なツールです。魅力的なデザイン、明確な行動喚起、説得力のあるオファー、社会的証明の組み込みなどのベスト プラクティスに従うことで、さまざまなデバイスで訪問者を引き付け、コンバージョンさせる効果的なイベント ランディング ページを作成できます。

All You Need To Know About CSS Margin And Padding

CSS のマージンとパディングについて知っておくべきこと

Feb 15, 2022 Kate Nguyen


Best Hotel Website Design: 10 Inspiring Examples

最高のホテルウェブサイトデザイン: 感動的な例 10 選

Jul 11, 2022 Kate Nguyen

ベスト 10 のホテル Web サイト デザインをご覧ください。ビジネスに役立つトップ ホテル Web デザイン機能などをご覧ください。