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Black Friday Landing Page: How To Boost Sales Effectively

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Two huge sales-generating events, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, are around the corner. As is the trend, landing pages are one of the best ways for any online store owners to take advantage of increased traffic and boost sales. But not every merchant knows how to capitalize on these opportunities, and that’s ok! In this article, you will be shown how to make an effective landing page with the mindset of a marketer and helpful technical tools from PageFly.

You can also check out the marketing ideas for Valentine's Day HERE.


I. What Should You Expect from Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?

The most exciting season is coming to town with a bunch of holiday events: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. you think it is enough for a spectacular season without sales? That’s when Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) come to the rescue, not only for shoppers but also for all the business people out there looking to boost their bottom line.

This tradition of online peak-sales events is growing on a global scale and making eCommerce businesses become richer. Last year, Shopify reported that on the 2020 Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping weekend, all the active online stores on Shopify, which are over 600,000, had gained an amount of $5.1 billion USD in sales. Sounds promising to your business, right?

bcfm shopify 2021

Do you know that in order to prepare for this season, every merchant should begin preparing 6 months beforehand with inventories, workforce, discount policy and so on? They are all becoming easier for merchants with the help of Shopify. However, to make a sales campaign successful, revenue is still a crucial part. You come prepared with your discount products and services but don’t know how to spread the information to the potential customer, it would be a shame for your business to miss any sales opportunities.

Many store owners know that a proper marketing campaign is needed. Along with all the means of marketing, from direct sales to social network promotion, a landing page is another way to gain traction from customers and it is really helpful with the support of measurement and analytics tools. But most of the store owners ignore this kind of channel despite it being the smartest way to not only sell but also to audit and monitor your efforts.

II. Why Is Black Friday Landing Page Crucial?

A Black Friday landing page is a key element to widen brand awareness, drive traffic and increase sales. The things that really make landing pages stand out are listed below:

2.1 Focus on a specific goal

focus on goal

The primary mission of a Black Friday landing page is to concentrate on one goal, which can vary from approaching a new niche, launching a new product, announcing sales, etc. In this case, you would want to use a landing page to announce your upcoming BFCM sales. Therefore, each Black Friday landing page should focus on one targeted audience type. By catering to a specific goal, the landing page will gain more attention to the right target customers and eventually get the customers to act.

2.2 Simplify the decision-making process for customers

customer focused shopify

Let’s imagine without a landing page, customers may take minutes to hours just to find a BFCM sales page, starting from searching for BFCM sales on a search engine. Without a landing page, customers may be led to your home page website which contains cramped information and sections, easily confusing customers, and may take a while for them to access the correct BFCM sale page. With this kind of flow, customers are given too many choices and could get distracted by those then fail to select your desired action.

Landing pages are meant to narrow those choices and direct customers to only one given action, which simplifies their decision-making process.

2.3 Increase conversion rate

conversion rates

Needless to say, focus on the right niche, the right target will raise the proportion of conversion. Especially, the structure of an effective landing page with appealing lean content and calls-to-action will turn those visitors into customers.

2.4 Track data and insight easily

data analysis shopify

It is compulsory for store owners to monitor the progress and effectiveness of a campaign. You can not just let your campaign go with the flow. Monitoring the conversion rate and incoming leads help owners to make sure the campaign is approaching the right customers and achieving the set goals. If it doesn’t, immediate actions need to be taken in a timely manner to improve the performance. A landing page is a productive way to provide data and insights for merchants to refine knowledge, data, and strategies in order to improve the effectiveness of the overall campaign.

2.5 Improve paid search ads (CPC)

paid search ads

When merchants use paid search engines for their campaign, it is undeniable that the click-through rate is the key element to measure the success. And landing pages are meant to increase the click-through rate. Once users search for a keyword related to your paid keyword search, your landing page will get a chance to appear on the first search result, with the target visitors, it is easy to attract them to click on the link and convert to a customer. Otherwise, without a landing page, the paid search may lead visitors to a website with distracting information and stray them away from the desired action store owners want them to take.

III. How to Make the Best Black Friday Landing Page? 

Below is an example of an effective Black Friday landing page.

bfcm landing page

There are 4 things you need to put your heart into when making a landing page for BFCM:

3.1 Headline and content

When customers land on your page, the first thing that draws their attention is the headline - you need to announce subtly for the visitors the reason for running this landing page, normally, it is the best way to put the BLACK FRIDAY SALES or CYBER MONDAY SALES with bold and big size text in the page space. 

However, many stores instead of focusing on BFCM text, tend to emphasize the discount number, for example, SALE up to 80%, BIGGEST SALE up to 80%, BUY 1 GET 1, etc.

Another choice is to add a DISCOUNT CODE for visitors on this special occasion. This can lead to SHOP NOW or GET CODE call-to-action which will be mentioned later in this article. Merchants can create discount codes by accessing their Shopify Store Admin -> Discount.

discount code shopify

Take a look at the image below of a sample landing page and see how to apply big bold headings and focus on number:

title and heading

Other related content like discount percentages or discount products, discount policies need to be a minor part of the page space. Do not spread all the information you have about the promotion, just enough appealing information to lead curious visitors to click on the call-to-action button.

3.2 Background picture, video and theme color

Remember to design your landing page with an aesthetic yet simple background. This is a way to increase your brand awareness with a beautiful and consistent design. The main color of the page needs to link to the color theme of other pages, or at least be related to upcoming events. Christmas and New Year always remind us of gift boxes, Santa Claus, mistletoe, Christmas trees and so on, so bring customers the feeling of those events by using images of those things and color it with red or dark green. There are sources for you to choose a free high quality background, for example Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, etc.

You can also add a video to make your landing page more attractive and appealing to the customers.

holiday color theme

However, don’t feel obligated to follow these exact color guidelines, it depends on your store’s products and preferences, just remember the principle: aesthetic yet simple.

3.3 Call to action

The most important thing on a Black Friday landing page: CALL TO ACTION. This is where you want your customer to take action and click. For Black Friday or Cyber Monday, the common CTAs can be filling in a form to get a promotion code, get a newsletter about sales openings, or direct to a special sales product page. 

In the example store, I use the ENJOY HERE call-to-action instead of SHOP or ADD TO CART. This action will please customers about the happy feeling of shopping more than just shopping and wasting money. You can see the ENDING SOON countdown, this is gonna be an effective way to show people the recognition of event time, and rush them to join the event before it ends.

3.4 Mobile layout

Nowadays, people do everything with their smartphone. That is why merchants always have to use the mindset of “mobile first”. So imagine when a user does a “Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale” keyword search from their mobile browser, your landing page will get the chance to display the results. This is the touchpoint where you need to think about customer perspective and build your landing page perfectly with the mobile layout.

mobile layout

In general, do not try to stuff redundant information on your landing pages, limit the amount of text, unnecessary media and navigation. Those will distract visitors and lead them in an unwanted direction. It is especially crucial that the CTA is clear and concise in order to successfully convert visitors to customers. More details about landing page tips and tricks can be found here.

IV. How to Make The Most out of Black Friday Landing Page with PageFly?

After many theories and tips to build an effective Black Friday landing page, this is the last yet most challenging part you might think of: building a real landing page.

There are plenty of ways for you to build a Shopify landing page. You can get help from a Shopify Expert - who is specialized in this field, but it comes with a price because it is a business, you need to pay for them, the cost depending on your requirements and the expert experience.

Another way for you is to build it yourself, you might think it’s impossible because you know nothing about page design, search engine optimization, etc. However, with the support from PageFly Shopify Page Builder - this stage can become the easiest. PageFly provides many automatic tools focussed on growing conversion rates and beautiful templates to make an outstanding page, in this case, a Black Friday landing page. Let's check out our PageFly's Holiday Landing Collection, all the pre-built templates here are collected up from our highest converting pages. 

With PageFly version 3.24.0, I happily announce new improvements to UX and more added features. Adding to this, our template library proudly provides highly applicable themes for occasions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you're looking for ideas and strategies for other holiday, here's our guide for Holidays 2022.

Applying those recommendations for an effective Black Friday landing page with the top-notch page builder from the PageFly team, you can either choose from our existing holiday templates, pre-made sections or use your creativity to create your own. You can even encourage the FOMO effect (Fear Of Missing Out) using elements such as Countdown Timer, product badge with catchy CTA like “Buy 1, get 1” or Stock scarcity.

Of course, with increasing amounts of customers during the holiday season, you should make sure your page is optimized. PageFly’s lazy loading helps maximizing loading speed by making sure the images are loaded only if necessary. For more information, read here.


To conclude, I hope you - Shopify merchants - understand the importance of landing pages to your sales during this season with two big events on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Remember the principles you need to follow about landing page content, design and call-to-action: make it simple, aesthetic and appealing as much as possible. Finally, I hope you all have fun building landing pages and boosting sales with PageFly. 

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