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Table of Contents

Sales Page Template & Examples For eCommerce Businesses (+ Best Practices)

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I. Best Practices In Creating A High-Converting Sales Page

01. Know Your Audience

For creating a sales page that converts, everything must be research-based. Before writing anything, it’s necessary to understand what your audiences are looking for when they visit your page. Some recommended ways to do it are:

  • Social media analytics: It’s a good idea to utilize your customer data gathered on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. 
  • Surveys and questionnaires: These quantitative research methods work best for simple queries and confirming your presumption about target audiences.
  • Secondary research: It involves reviewing information gathered from available sources. This method is economical but might not provide the exact information you need.

Once you’ve got your audience insights, you can write a copy that touches their motivation and demand. 

02. Use Simple And Concise Language

All sellers want to boast about their products, but few of them know how to boast effectively. Shoppers don’t want to scan a wordy passage to understand what you offer them. Instead, they want to know what they are paying for and whether it’s worth it instantly. So, you should get rid of long sentences packed with fancy words by keeping your language straightforward. Here are some tips:

  • Convey clearly what your product or service will benefit buyers
  • Avoid long and confusing sentences
  • Avoid typo and adjective misuse
  • Use bullet points to improve readability

03. Clear Friction Points

Already known as FUDs (fear, uncertainties, and doubts), they are factors that keep customers from buying your products. There are several ways to erase the barriers:

  • Include FAQ on your sales page: You should work with the customer service team to solve the most common concerns presented by prospects. The FAQ section must be easy to notice so all visitors could see it straight away.
  • Set up a live chat: If your products have complex/confusing features, you will need a live chat to clear shoppers’ concerns instantly. Especially if your items are expensive, customers will consider lots of things before pulling out their credit cart.
  • Include testimonials: When in confusion, shoppers often turn to past customers’ feedback to make up their minds. So, there’s no doubt that you will lose many buyers without leveraging such powerful words.
testimonials and the live chat in sales will increase conversion rates

This sales page takes advantage of both testimonials and the live chat for better conversion rates.

  • Offer free stuff: If you want your buyers to take a closer step, you must give them a reason to do so. A free trial, discount for first-time buyers, or money back guarantee are options you should consider having on your sales page.

04. Incorporate Visuals

Statistics show that 84% of shoppers made a purchase after watching a video. Wyzowl - a renowned animated explainer video agency, also revealed that 81% of businesses using videos in marketing reported a rise in sales. Having appealing content is good, but don’t forget the impact of visuals. Here’s an example from OPLZA.

Make your sales page with visuals such as video and images

Besides videos, images can also catch visitors’ interest and keep them stay longer on the page. Although there is no standard for an ‘effective’ image, make sure it has high quality and is consistent with your brand characteristics.

05. Highlight The Most-favored Plan

There is always an option that fits the needs of most customers. You can help visitors make their choice quicker just by displaying a recommended plan on your sales page. Most of the time, shoppers get confused easily by numerous products, so a highlighted option will give them a clear picture of what you are offering.

Highlight The Most-favored Plan in Sales page

It’s worth noting that it shouldn’t be your most expensive plan. Instead, it should be a plan that a majority of your target audiences can afford. A study conducted by CXL shows how highlighting a recommended plan impacts sales.

comparisons between the non-highlighted and highlighted pricing plan versions

Here are comparisons between the non-highlighted and highlighted versions.

A significant finding is that participants chose the PRO plan more often when it is highlighted and in the expensive-to-cheap order.

06. Use Price Anchoring

Price anchoring is a practice of showing a price point to which shoppers can refer before when making their decision. For example, if you see a discount like “50 35”, 50 USD is the price anchored for the latter. The psychology here is: people will consider 35 USD as a cheap price if they compare it with a higher option (50 USD in this case). So, if you think your prices are much higher than most of your competitors’ prices, you can apply this tactic to make customers not scream for the hills.

Use Price Anchoring in Sales page

Amazon, the king of eCommerce, draws its customers’ attention by crossing out the original price. 

07. Create A Prominent CTA

The call-to-action button means so much to the success of your sales page. You need to make the CTA stand out from other visual elements so shoppers can see it in a second. In short, a good CTA must be notable, specific, and tempting.

Besides, the CTA button shouldn’t be at the bottom of the page as your visitors will have to scroll down a long page to find it.

create a good CTA button on sales page

This A/B test shows that placing the CTA at the top of a page results in increased sales.

In another test, a sticky CTA button proved to be successful at driving more sales.

placing the CTA at the top of a page results in increased sales

08. Test As Much As You Can

Like I’ve said above, a high converting sales page must be research-based. There’s no way you can know which design option is better without testing. In marketing, even the tiniest element can make a significant change. So, don’t skip any chance to improve your conversion rate. Generally, components that need A/B testing are:

  • Content

How you organize your content matters. The example below shows the difference between a normal headline and an empowering, enthusiastic one.

create quality content for for sales page

 Option B reports more signups compared to option A.

  • Call-to-action button
  • Pricing plans

The way you display your prices has a clear impact on sales. For instance, expensive-first order is likely to bring in more conversions.

II. Top 24 Sales Page Templates and Examples For You To Follow

01. Affiliate Lab

What they did well

  • A short video that emphasizes the credibility of the business for gaining trust in the first place
  • A prominent call-to-action button that draws visitors’ attention instantly
Affiliate Lab sales page template
    • Detailed description about the course
    • Positive feedback from past students that claims the results of the course
    • A FAQ section that clears concerns for hesitant buyers

    What they should improve

    • Too long introduction: The founder of Affiliate Lab introduced his brand story in more than 600 words, which is so lengthy and confusing to read.
    • Disorganized content display: Affiliate Lab’s team has crammed much information into the sales page without using a suitable template for better readability. Such a display makes it difficult for audiences to locate the information they need.
    What Affiliate Lab sales page need to improve

      Link to the sales page:

      02. Foundr

      What they did well

      • Testimonial videos: Foundr presents their students’ success stories with more-than-a-minute videos, which are better at touching emotions than text.
      • A sticky CTA: A “Sign Up Now” button placed fixedly at the top-right can remind visitors when they scroll down the page.
      • Good barrier-breaking: Foundr knows its audience concerns and clears them all by showing positive results from students with the same worries.
      • Tempting bonus: The company promises seven gifts for those who sign up within the day. This FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) strategy urges people towards an impulse purchase.

      What they should improve

      • Long introduction video: A 2-minute video may discourage busy people from watching until the end. It should be shorter as the About Us already covers the overall picture.

      Link to the sales page:

      03. The Ecomm Clubhouse

      What they did well

      • Clear pitch: The founder shows the offerings in a readable way by using the tick icon and setting crucial phrases in bold. Such factors make it easier for visitors to understand what the course brings.
      The Ecomm Clubhouse sales page
        • Appealing content: The founder presented a persuasive reason to buy with a story that touches customer insights. 
        The Ecomm Clubhouse sales page has good content
          • Detailed learning journey: All learners want to know what’s inside a course before spending on it. The Ecomm Clubhouse served this need well by outlining the course’s content clearly.
          • 7-day refund: Buyers can have their money back within seven days if they’re not satisfied. When there’s nothing to lose, there will be no hesitation left!

          What they should improve

          • Lengthy introduction video: A 22-minute video is unnecessary when written content has covered the most crucial points. The video will be much needed if it focuses on how to utilize the course for practical goals.

          Link to the sales page:

          04. The RMBC Method

          What they did well

          • Good pricing strategy: The brand will benefit more if the user opts for four payments (1588 USD in total). However, placing $397 beside $997 creates a cognitive pitfall that the first choice is more economical than the latter.

          What they should improve

          • Poor website design: The site is so tedious that it has content based on a plain grey background only. There isn’t any layout to arrange paragraphs for better readability also.
          • Wordy writing: When I first visited the page, what immediately came to my mind was: “Oh, it’s so wordy.” I found it hard to get the main ideas from such confused and lengthy pieces of content.
          • A bad CTA: Their CTA button is neither prominent nor tempting. You’ll have to scroll down close to the bottom of the page to see it. Also, the text “One-Time Payment of $997” doesn’t encourage users to take action.

          Link to the sales page:

          05. Justin Cener

          What they did well

          • A large number of testimonials: The page leveraged hundreds of success stories to hold people’s attention at their first visit.Once they see those positive outcomes, they will be more curious about the program.
          Justin Cener sales page
            • Effective pricing strategy: It is obvious that the owner intentionally set a high price for one payment to make users opt for another package. 

            What they should improve

            • Slow loading on mobile devices: As there are too many images on the page, it takes up to a minute or more to load the full website on your phone. This issue can make users become impatient and leave the site straight away.

            Link to the sales page:

            06. Jarvis

            What they did well

            • Impressive headline: A headline that automatically changes a part of a sentence can amaze users in a second.
              • Work samples: Because Jarvis is an AI tool for content writing, prospects must want to see how effective it is. Nothing better than showing AI-based content to gain customer trust.
                • Clear product explanation: They break their content into three columns so users could grab the main points at a glance.
                • Responsive template: A well-designed template and smooth page performance make it easy for users to locate the information they need.
                • Excellent customer reviews: Those powerful words can lead visitors to make a buy quicker.

                Unlike some businesses that rewrite customer reviews, Jarvis keeps them raw.

                What they should improve

                • No pricing plans: There isn’t a separate pricing section on the page. The only way to find the prices is through the FAQ.

                Link to the sales page:

                07. MasterClass

                What they did well

                • Well-organized content: Visitors can get an overview of MasterClass within a minute. There are no long paragraphs or confusing explanations. Every section is concise and coherent.
                • Good visuals: Their videos and images are of high quality and deliver a sense of professionalism. When you click on a random course category, an auto-play video will pop up. It is also interesting to watch.

                • Excellent site performance: A slow website can cause visitors to drop out instantly. Though containing high-quality visual elements, MasterClass’ sales page has a pretty good load time.
                • A sticky CTA button: The ‘Get Started’ button sticks to the bottom of your screen while you are scrolling up and down the page.
                • Price breakdown: Instead of showing the yearly price of 180$, they present the monthly cost of just $15. This strategy makes users feel less burdened by the price.

                  What they should improve

                  • There are no aspects that seem to harm the conversion rate.

                  Link to the sales page:

                  08. iPro Academy

                  What they did well

                  • Psychology trick: The brand has utilized the FOMO strategy to urge people towards a purchase. The countdown timer lets people feel like they might lose a chance. They also cross out the original price and show a lower one - a real bargain for irrational minds.
                  iPro Academy

                  What they should improve

                  • Confusing website: The way they design the site and organize content makes it difficult for people to understand what’s going on. The overuse of writing in capital letters and large font size gets the reader tired of reading.
                  • Lengthy writing style: The founder doesn’t use simple and concise language. He virtually drowned the main points in an excessive flow of words.
                  Lengthy writing style in iPro Academy

                    Link to the sales page:

                    09. Wurkin Stiffs

                    What they did well

                    • Minimalist template: There is no complicated element or section on the site. Everything is clear and well-arranged.
                    • Concise writing: There are very few words on the site. The writer has minimized the amount of content to an extreme level.
                    • Interesting video: The introduction video has a funny thumbnail, which encourages viewers to click to play. Within half of a minute, it explains how the product works in an impressive way.
                    Wurkin Stiffs
                      • Good visuals: Every image is of high quality and has an excellent color combination.

                      What they should improve

                      • Unenthusiastic CTA copy: The button is not so prominent and tempting to click. The copy should be more engaging as “Treat me now!”
                      What Wurkin Stiffs should improve

                        Link to the sales page:

                        10. Myro

                        What they did well

                        • Good website design: The page evokes emotional responses with colorful photos and gifs. High-quality images leave an impression of credibility and professionalism in visitors’ minds.
                        • A prominent CTA: The ‘Get Started’ button always sticks to the upper right corner when users explore the page.
                        • Good, well-organized content: Myro keeps its content brief but comprehensive. There are separate pages for the introduction, customer reviews, and products. Such arrangement prevents users from information suffocating - when one page contains everything.
                          • Auto-reply support: The brand addresses buyers’ concerns through a support box, which is notable and user-friendly.

                          What they should improve

                          • Not-so-aesthetic banner: The purple background doesn’t set off the products. It would be better if the color background is yellow.

                          Link to the sales page:

                          11. Copyblogger Pro

                          What they did well

                          • Good banner: They chose a spectacular photo for their banner, which holds one’s attention at once. 
                          • Minimalist web design: The brand uses a plain white background with no confusing visual elements.
                          Copyblogger Pro

                            What they should improve

                            • Long-winded copy: The introduction is long and rambling, which discourages the audience from reading at first glance.
                            • Disorganized template: There is no layout to arrange content for better readability. Readers have to scan a page full of words to find the information they need.
                            • Unattractive testimonials: The customer reviews look so dull. They should have a better design to catch the audience’s eye.
                            • A limited number of plans: There is only one plan listed, which means prospects don’t have another choice. Not to mention, the price of 495 USD/year is not a small amount.

                            Link to the sales page:

                            12. Living Language

                            What they did well

                            • Notable CTA buttons: The color used for those buttons is not used anywhere on the page, making them easy to see.
                            • Free trial offer: Living Language provides a free sample lesson that prospects can download from the page instantly.
                            Living Language

                              What they should improve

                              • No student feedback: All prospects want to know what value they can get from the course. Without reviews, they have no evidence to consider whether the class benefits them or not.                       

                              Link to the sales page:

                              13. Copyhackers

                              What they did well

                              • A good CTA: It’s an example of CTA buttons that convert. Their CTA is both notable and actionable. The button’s red color is used against a blue background. “Save 58%” indicates a real bargain.
                              • Highlighted plan: Because the brand benefits more from the annual package, they mark it as the best value. This trick leads to more chances that prospects will convert.

                              What they should improve

                              • Poor readability: They overuse capital letters and large font sizes for many pieces of copy. Readers may feel like those words are shouting at them. Though their content is acceptable, this issue could ruin the whole page!

                              It gets on my nerves while reading this.

                              Link to the sales page:

                              14. Eat Fat, Get Thin

                              What they did well

                              • Simplicity: The brand has a good selection of color palettes, which perfectly convey the product’s characteristics. They also keep a limited number of colors, which makes the site look clean and color-consistent.
                              Eat Fat, Get Thin
                                • Good reasons to buy:  The brand makes visitors feel related by listing the most common issues of weight loss seekers.
                                Eat Fat, Get Thin
                                  • Convincing results: Adding numbers to results can make them look specific and more credible. They have used this tip very well without having to write long-winded explanations.
                                  Eat Fat, Get Thin sales page

                                    What they should improve

                                    • No FAQ or live chat: Products for health always come with lots of audience concerns. However, this brand includes neither the FAQ nor live chat on its sales page, which leaves prospects’ questions unresolved. 

                                    Link to the sales page:

                                    15. Food Babe

                                    What they did well

                                    • Engaging headline: Food Babe wrote a headline that piqued readers’ curiosity, so they are more likely to continue reading.
                                    Food Babe
                                      • Interesting introduction video: The video has a good opening that sparks people’s interest, beginning with “I used to be addicted to sugar.” The speaker also has a clear and sweet voice that gives a feeling of comfort.
                                      • Compelling copy: The brand has grabbed people’s attention by using fear: sugar destroys our bodies in multiple ways. The writer also breaks the piece into paragraphs, which is easier to read.
                                      Food Babe sales page
                                        • Impressive testimonials: The reviews are very detailed and inspiring, which can influence prospects’ buying decisions.
                                        • Good pricing strategies: They use both cross-out prices and “charm pricing” strategy, which makes buyers feel like they’ve saved money.

                                        What they should improve

                                        • Long CTA copy: The CTA doesn’t need to be that long. It’s better to shorten the text to just “Sign me up!”
                                        Food Babe

                                          Link to the sales page:

                                          16. Laws of Copywriting

                                          What they did well

                                          • Credible testimonials: Every review allows access to the reviewer’s profile by clicking on the social media icon on the upper right. This idea helps create more credibility for the brand.

                                          What they should improve

                                          • Boring template: The page consists of a white background, a plain blue banner, and a black-based footer. There’s nothing attractive there.
                                          • Confused introduction: When I first read the sales page copy, I have no idea what they sell. Their opening should be more straight to the point, so a reader can grab what the business is.
                                          Laws of Copywriting
                                            • Long CTA copy: It’s neither concise nor engaging. Instead, it could be “KNOW COPYWRITING’S SECRETS” or “SIGN UP FOR DISCOUNT!”

                                              Link to the sales page:

                                              17. Boag World

                                              What they did well

                                              • Good introduction: Unlike the above sales page, which has a vague opening, Boag World’s introduction is visible and straight to the point. More importantly, it touches the audience’s insights and makes them curious about the course.
                                              Boag World
                                                • Good copy: Every paragraph is short and well-written. Without florid words or lengthy explanations, such writing is understandable and covers all needed information.
                                                • Readable website: This is one of the best sales pages on the list. The template has a consistent color scheme and high simplicity. They arrange the content logically and highlight important information where needed.

                                                What they should improve

                                                • Inconspicuous CTA: It’s not easy to find that button as it has quite the same color as the background.
                                                Boag World

                                                  Link to the sales page:

                                                  18. Marketing Mentor

                                                  What they did well

                                                  • Excellent imagery: Their photos deliver a sense of professionalism and match the color palette of the page. The colors arrangement is so harmonious that there are no super bright or dark hues.
                                                  Marketing Mentor
                                                    • Mobile-friendly performance: Though having several high-quality images, the page performs well on mobile devices. 

                                                    Read more: Mobile Optimization Best  Practices for Your E-Commerce Site

                                                    • Good readability: The site has a good visual hierarchy, which sets off the most important information for easier locating.

                                                    What they should improve

                                                    • Unclear pricing plan: There are no plans published on their website, which makes me so confused.  

                                                    Link to the sales page:

                                                    19. Jay Training

                                                    What they did well

                                                    • Visible CTA buttons: Four buttons in different places of the page can remind visitors of signing up.
                                                    • Excellent reasons to buy: They list all the benefits that a person can receive after the training. Such benefits can be a driver for prospects because they touched insights.
                                                    Jay Training

                                                      What they should improve:

                                                      • Lengthy content: Since this class’s target audience is men, who tend to get impatient quickly, writing long-winded page copy is an unthoughtful move.
                                                      • Bad website design: There’s no template for the page. Everything is presented from head to foot without using any layouts and grids. Such design leads to decreased readability, which blocks conversions.
                                                      • Too many videos: Though they are ideal for evoking the viewer’s emotional response, having many of them can kill a site. This brand uses videos to show customers’ feedback about their program, but it’s not a good idea because: 1) They can slow down the website, and 2) Prospects don’t have time to see them all.

                                                      Link to the sales page:

                                                      20. Digital Marketer

                                                      What they did well

                                                      • A good introduction that keeps people engaged to the article
                                                      Digital Marketer sales page
                                                        • Clear explanation of the course’s content - which all visitors care about
                                                        • Highlight attractive benefits of within-the-day sign-up - leads prospects to an impulse purchase
                                                        • A detailed and well-prepared FAQ to ease the audience’s existing barriers
                                                        • Distinguished CTA buttons that appear several times - urges users to convert

                                                        What they should improve

                                                        • Unattractive template: The way they design the page discourages people from reading, though the content is good. The template contains no appealing visuals - which makes it look so passionless.

                                                        Link to the sales page:

                                                        21. Write of Passage

                                                        What they did well

                                                        Write of Passage
                                                        • Good content: The page has a clear introduction that enables people to grab what they sell instantly. Overall, every piece of content delivered on the site is so well-written. It reflects the exact nature of their product.
                                                        • Professional look: This is one of the best sales landing page templates on the list. The website is designed with a business-like color scheme, which gives an impression of professionalism and enthusiasm.
                                                        • Money-back guarantee: There’s nothing to lose here. Prospects can have their payment back within 30 days in case of dissatisfaction.

                                                        What they should improve

                                                        • There are no aspects that seem to harm the conversion rate.

                                                        Link to the sales page:

                                                        22. Subscription Box Bootcamp

                                                        What they did well

                                                        • Inspiring content: They have content that keeps readers engaged. The site’s language is so cheerful and energetic that visitors can feel positive vibes in the air.
                                                        Subscription Box Bootcamp
                                                          • Enthusiastic CTA copy: It’s an example of a CTA button that converts. The phrase “Take me there” encourages viewers to hit it!
                                                          • Impressive testimonials: They use photos to show how successful their students are after the training. The images can easily catch one’s eye with their colorfulness.

                                                          What they should improve

                                                          • Inconsistent font: The body font of “Time so Scale” should be the same as that of “Idea Stage” and “Ready to Launch”. However, it isn’t.
                                                          Subscription Box Bootcamp

                                                            Link to the sales page:

                                                            23. Live Off Your Passion

                                                            What they did well

                                                            • A short video that provides an overall understanding of the service
                                                            Live Off Your Passion
                                                              • A guarantee that allows buyers to have their money back within 90 days if they are unsatisfied
                                                              • Numerous case studies that prove the customers’ success after involving in the program
                                                              • A well-prepared FAQ section that clear hesitations of prospects
                                                              • Several cooperative CTA buttons that increase the possibility to convert

                                                              What they should improve

                                                              • A messy header: The header is the first thing to appear when you visit a site. However, that of Live Off Your Passion neither looks appealing nor conveys the brand’s identity.

                                                              Link to the sales page:

                                                              24. AdEspresso University

                                                              What they did well

                                                              • Creative template design: AdEspresso has a theme that imitates Facebook’s visual identity. It’s an interesting way to reflect their service - Facebook and Instagram advertising’s course.
                                                              AdEspresso University
                                                                • A benefit-oriented headline that states clearly what the business is offering
                                                                • Multiple CTA buttons that remind people of signing up for increased conversion rate

                                                                What they should improve

                                                                • Unattractive customer reviews: They’re easily missed while scrolling down the page. This section should have a better design for capturing visitors’ attention.

                                                                Link to the sales page:

                                                                Explore Now