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What’s new in PageFly Shopify app page builder 1.0.4?

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2 weeks passed since the latest updates. We’ve been working hard to ship the next version with bug fixes and feature updates. The most wanted feature that helps you with starting to build the landing page for Shopify is the “Predefined landing page templates.” Moreover, we released 20+ Shopify landing page templates to the public for different niches.

The second feature that you wanted and waited so long for is the signup form page element with MailChimp. Now you can build Shopify lead sales landing pages quickly and convert better. With the Analytics dashboard, you’ll know how your landing page performs and whether it gets leads.

So, let’s explore in detail the new features and product improvements.


To see the app changes please sign out from your app store and clean the cache of your web browser. After that, log in again to your account store and access PageFly from the App page.

MailChimp integration with form signup page element

Sign up form element was one of the most asked features since the official release of the PageFly Shopify app. We listened to the feedback from PageFly users carefully and decided to prioritize this feature to be available in this version. From now, you can collect the email address of leads on your landing page and connect with the MailChimp service.

The signup form page element has options to edit the text button, the placeholder in the input box and icon. In the image below you can see “Action URL” which you need to insert the Mailchimp list link. For more details on how to use this feature, please read this tutorial.

mailchimp integration

Blog List page element

Since now you can put a blog list on Shopify page, (let’s say homepage) easily with the PageFly app. This page element can be found in Shopify Category - Blog Posts.

You might be asking, why should I care about blogging stuff? Well, organic traffic from Google or other search engines are free, and when you are producing more blog posts, you’ll get more chances to appear in Google search results.

Simply think that each blog post is a new destination which Google will send traffic to. And when you have the blog post updated freshly on the home page it’s a good “trust signal” to Google bot.

Another thing to think about is when you write blog posts you show that the website is "live" to customers. When they read newly published blog posts, they will have more trust in your brand and your products.

Blog List page element

With the default settings of this page element, you can decide whether to show the blog image or not and with what dimension. The blog post information with the data of publishing and author also can be configured via “Show Meta” parameter.

And the final thing is to make sure that this blog list section matches your design - we’ve added one more setting called “Show Excerpt” with its length. You can adjust how many words to display in the single block of the blog post.

blog listing settings

Besides this, we can go further with customization option of blog list layout: Vertical or Horizontal. You can quickly adjust the design of this section.

vertical and horizontal position

Shopify Landing Page Template with 20+ designs in different niches

With version 1.0.4 of the PageFly app, you’ll have the “superpower” to build landing pages faster. We're introducing you to the Pre-designed Landing Page template feature.

With this improvement, you can select one of 20+ uniquely designed landing pages for your needs. Landing page templates cover many niches from fashion, business, service to beauty and health care. Just have a quick look at the image below to see how it works.

Shopify Landing Page Template with 20+ designs in different niche

By the way, did you notice that in the preview window you can see how the landing page looks on mobile, tablet and desktop devices? If not, just take a closer look at this part to see how it performs.

preview mobile and tablet devices

20+ landing page templates are the starting number. All landing page designs are unique and target different market niches. Whether you run a branded shop or drop shipping business, you’ll find a suitable layout to start building the landing page.

Mostly, the layouts are designed for home and product pages. Soon we’ll be added more sales based landing pages, so you can quickly create effective landing pages for ad channels.

template collection

To get started using this feature, you just need to click on the icon “Pick a template” at the left top area of the PageFly editing dashboard.

pick a pagefly template

Bonus Tip

When clicking on the page element, you’ll see the full route of that page element. Understand better the level placement such element. With this improvement, we hope you can understand better the structure of the whole landing page.

page element root

Say hi to Bearie!

To easily recognize the PageFly app for Shopify, we introduce to you Bearie :) our brand new mascot. Bearie will help you with the usage of PageFly and will be a personal assistant to you.

bearie pagefly mascot

That’s all for now. A little bit of rest and we'll be back on the job with the next PageFly app version update. One obvious thing during this and next week is documentation and tutorials. We received a lot of feedback asking about how to use the PageFly app and how to utilize it in particular cases. All product tutorials and documentation can be found at the PageFly help center.

Warm Regards,

Tony, on behalf PageFly Team.

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