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Release PageFly 3.0: Built For The Tomorrow of eCommerce

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Check out our newest update: PageFly 3.12.0 release: New Product Variant Swatches element. Bold Product Options & Okendo integrations and more.

For other updates check through the PageFly release articles - click here.


2021 rock-n-rolled its way into the eCommerce landscape with a whole lot of new things. 

By new, I meant things we never heard before, things that are exciting, unprecedented and game-changing: 

  • “Ever heard of Headless eCommerce?”
  • “Crypto Art is a thing now?”
  • “Wait, now you can dropship CBD?” 
  • “No way, now you tell me PageFly 3.0 is here” 

Yes, PageFly 3.0 is finally here, born out of sweat and blood (figuratively, of course). 

Similar to these above-mentioned latest developments, the release of PageFly 3.0 has the same goal: 

To make eCommerce more accessible, and more effortless. 

And in a Steve Job-Esque introduction style, we proudly present to you, everything new and updated about PageFly 3.0. 

I. New Features

01. Updated App UI

With PageFly 3.0, you can enjoy the new and improved app PageFly interface. 

We brought the best minds in the industry, worked day and night together and adopted the latest Design system to create a more user-friendly, intuitive working environment for our customers and partners. 

new app ui

The result is our completely redesigned UI, with a wealth of new features and functionalities to make your work easier more effective. 

new app ui

02. Pre-made Section Feature

The old way: If you like a specific section of a certain template, let's say template A, you'd need to add the template to your page editor, then remove every section, except the section you like. 

Our apologies - we know it is way too consuming. 

The new way: Simple go to Page Section, select the Pre-made section you like, drag and drop to the page editor. Cost you three clicks max! 

select premade section

03. New User Flow

Now you don’t need to worry about if you're following the right steps. 

“Do I have to set up anything before publishing or saving the page?” is one of the most common questions we encountered. 

Now, you can just go ahead and build your page, and when you want to publish, we'll tell you what you need to do later, things like URL and page name, in step-by-step messages. 

user flow

04. New Blog Post elements 

This should be a wonderful update for inbound marketers and bloggers. 

Say goodbye to the old and boring Blog Post element (this one). 

blog post element

and say hello to the new blog post elements - yes, you did not misheard - Blog Post Elements - not one, but 08 blog post elements: 

  • Blog post list
  • Blog post details
  • Blog post image
  • Blog post content
  • Blog post meta
  • Blog post view details
  • Blog post excerpt 

Now you can design and arrange your beautiful writings as creatively as you can! Add Blog Post Image here, add Blog Post list there - it's all yours to choose. 

blog list element

II. Major Improvement 

01. Interactive Outline 

Imagine this - you have 20+ sections on your page editor. 

You want to move section 20 to the top of the page, in the old days, you would need to scroll up and down and drag that section 20 slowly and strenuously to the top. 

But with PageFly 3.0, in the words of Edgar Allan Poe: Nevermore. 

Now interactions with the Outline go both ways - you can re-arrange the sections within the outline, and the page editor layout will change correspondingly. 

Or select an element on the page, you'll see which column, which row, which section it belongs to, by simply opening the outline. 

New outline featurer

02. Optimized Layout Elements

To avoid technical jargons, we will simply put that: Resizing, Arranging, and Using Column elements are now much more intuitive and simpler. 

Again, back to the old day, this is what happens when you resize a column. 

resize new column

See that huge blank space on the right - that what we also hate and aim to tackle. and We did. Now when you resize a column, we guarantee that a row's real estate will be properly filled up leaving no blank space whatsoever. 

resize column in PageFly 3.0

Not only that, with PageFly 2.0, when you want to add more columns, the new columns will take up the space of the base column - aka the column from which you perform the “column-adding" action. 

add new column in PageFly 2.0

In PageFly 3.0, when you add a new column using that “+” icon from the base column, the new column will not steal its space - instead, it will take up the space of the following column. 

add new column in PageFly 3.0

Sounds a bit too complicated right - I know. The best way to get a quick grasp of the update is to hop on your PageFly and get a first-hand experience of how intuitive this element has evolved to. 

03. Other Improvements

3.1. Fix all bugs in HTML/Liquid elements and Slideshow elements

3.2. New way to create a new page: Now you can create a new page from Template directly with better preview of the templates in both Desktop and Mobile versions. 

create new page from template3.3. Faster app performance with highly-optimized code, which also turbo-boost your online store's page speed.

3.4. Better and more robust Analytics feature.

3.5. Optimized media manager: Upload and Manage your images in one place, whether you upload media directly from your computer, or upload images with links.

media manager

3.6. Optimized URL Picker: Now you can either pick the url from the list of pages within the library, or copy and paste the URL directly onto the URL placeholder. 

url picker3.7. Optimized Product and Collection Sources Picker: Add only selected and needed collections/products to your Collection List or Product List. 

select collection

3.8. Optimized Font manager: Add only selected and needed fonts to your font library. Choose from over 1000 fonts from Google Fonts Library. 

font manager


Striving for innovation and betterment has long been wired to our DNA and PageFly 3.0 is just one of our first steps toward being a more perfect version of ourselves. 

Stay tuned and if you need anything, contact us via our 24/07 Live Chat Support. 

Update On April 10

As ambitious as we were, we admitted we missed a few marks. 

That being said, we understand we need to control the narrative, that we can only get stronger if we learn from our shortcomings.

This is why we work days and nights, more than 12 hours per day to release PageFly 3.1.0 to optimize and fix a wide array of features that are not in the best shape after the release of PageFly 3.0. 

Check out what the new and improved PageFly 3.1:

Release PageFly 3.1: Spanish Version and Enhanced Performance

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