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How to Create Effective Shopify Discounts with Bundler

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A lot of merchants might ask themselves, how they can promote products so that it will boost the revenue of their business. Apps for promoting products have always been in demand, and one of the most popular types of apps for promoting products is the Shopify discount app. While there are many different subcategories of Shopify discount apps, one of the most popular ones is bundling apps.

What is the Shopify discount app?

Bundling apps are apps, made to put two or more products together and sell them together for discounts. There are a lot of different strategies and ways to do that with bundles, and we will tell you some of them further below.

To start, you should try installing the best Shopify discount app in Shopify, Bundler. This app offers a lot, and we will tell you some of the most effective and popular features in this article.

Why discounts matter for Shopify stores

Discounts are one of the most important factors when it comes to your customers buying your products. They offer significant advantages. Here are the most important factors, when it comes to why so many merchants succeed with having discounts in their online stores:

Customer behaviour

Think as a customer. You are looking for a particular item, and are comparing many different stores. Then, you see that some online store is offering a discount on that item. Of course, you will immediately consider buying from them, just because of that.

Discounts can be very impactful when it comes to customer purchasing decisions. They encourage your customers to take fast action and make faster buying decisions, often converting visitors into frequent buyers.

Increasing conversion rates

Of course, the major benefit for you, as a merchant, is an increased conversion rate. When customers see that they are getting a better deal with discounts included, they are more likely to add that item to the cart and complete their purchase. This way, it makes it easier for your customers to justify their purchases.

Boosting average order value (AOV)

A lot of Shopify discount apps, bundling apps especially, will boost your average order value. This means that when you offer multiple products together, by offering discounts, your customers can be encouraged to buy more items than they initially planned. There are many different strategies included in this, but one of the most popular ones includes placing items that are not selling well, with items that are very popular. This also enables you to have an effective way of clearing your inventory.

Competitive advantage

You most likely have a lot of competitors on the market. By enhancing the shopping experience for your customers and offering new marketing strategies that your competitors don’t use, you can attract a lot of new customers, and this way, you make sure you stand out from the competition. This can be especially true if you offer unique, or limited-time discounts during the times where your competitors don’t have those kinds of offers.

Bundler - Best app to help you create discounts in Shopify

There are many different ways of how you can set up Shopify discounts in your store, but in recent years, bundling apps have turned out to be great for this. Bundles allow you many different ways to combine different products and offer your customers discounts.

Bundler in Shopify App store

Top features of Bundler:

  • Create 5 different bundle types, including classic, Mix & Match, Tiered Mix & Match bundle, and more,
  • 5+ different discount types, such as percentage discounts, fixed amount discounts, set discounts on products, and more,
  • Fully customizable bundles, from colors to text, to custom CSS support,
  • Funnel upsell popups to promote your bundles on any page in Shopify,
  • Integration with subscriptions,
  • Analytics page to track how your bundles are performing,
  • And many more!

As you can see, Bundler offers everything that you will ever need. With its friendly user interface, many functionalities, and constant updates, it is one of the best apps for setting up Shopify discounts.

How to setup discounts with bundles in Bundler

Let’s show you a step-by-step guide on how you can create bundles in Bundler, and offer your customers discounts.

Make your first bundle

Go to Bundler -> Bundles -> Create bundle. Now, pick the bundle type that you would want. If you are not sure how each bundle type functions, we recommend you refer to this PageFly article. For this example, we will use the classic bundle type.

Creating a bundle

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Set basic bundle information

You are now on the main page of creating a bundle. First, set up some basic bundle information, such as bundle name, description, price template, and more.

Set basic bundle information Bundler app

Set up discounts You will see a bunch of different discounts that you can set up for your bundles. Those include:

  • Percentage discount: which will be applied to each product in the bundle
  • Fixed amount discount: that is proportionally divided between products in the bundle
  • Set discounts on products: where you can set the discount within a bundle on each product separately.
  • Fixed bundle price: which is the final price of the entire bundle
  • Without discount.
Setting up discounts with bundles

Pick discounted products in the bundle

Of course, an important step is picking the products that you would actually like to offer to your customers in a bundle. Usually, bundles are recommended to have around 2-4 products,  but if needed, you can also pick more than that.

Pick discounted products in the bundle

Setup the discount conditions (if needed) When it comes to discounts, an optional step are discount conditions that Bundler offers. Discount conditions are a way that you can set up requirements for when the discount will be applied. Those include:

  • Discount is applied when the customer buys all products within a bundle
  • Discount is applied when they buy a number of items from a bundle (which is basically a Mix & Match bundle type),
  • Discount is applied when the customer buys required non-discounted products.

Click save and your bundle is done!You have successfully created your bundle! You can view it by going to the product page of the products that you’ve added to the bundle (where it appears by default). However, you can also show it in other places in your store, by using funnel upsell popups and other features.

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Best practices for setting up Shopify discounts with Bundler

Now that you know the importance of having discounts in your store, and how to set them up using bundles with best bundle app in Shopify - Bundler, we will give you some best tips and practices on how you could improve that. There are many more ways that could help your bundles to perform better.

Read more: Shopify 1 Dollar For 3 Months Plan 2024

Identify which products are the right ones to sell together

One of the most important factors to consider when setting up your discounts and bundles are, which selection of products you will include together in a bundle.

There are many cases regarding this, but the best ones that turned out great for many merchants, are complementary products (which means that products that fit together, are sold together), cross-selling products (which means that you analyze and put the products that are frequently purchased together in a bundle), or seasonal and trending products (which are products that fit well together during specific seasons or e-commerce trends).

In Bundler you even have the option to schedule bundles, which can enable your bundles to go live on your site during a specific interval.

Scheduling bundle in Bundler

Promoting your discounted bundles

When you are finished with setting up your discounts, it is important that your customers see them. Which is where promotion comes into play. Promoting your bundles increases the chances of your customers seeing your bundles outside of just the product pages.

Here are effective methods that you can setup in Bundler to further promote your discounted bundles:

  • Bundle landing page is a page dedicated to a specific bundle. Each bundle comes with a link to the landing page where that bundle is displayed. You can use the link to this landing page anywhere in your online store, but it is usually recommended to put it in the navigation bar, or spaces where you usually promote your products in your store.
    Bundle landing page
  • Bundle listing page is similar to a landing page, but instead of showing only one bundle, this one displays every single bundle in your store. This is great so your customers can have a nice overview of all the offers that you are giving to them. The link to this page is suggested to be in a visible place, so your customers can have easy access to it,
    Bundle listing page
  • Funnel upsell popup is a popup promotion that shows up when a customer gets one of the items in the bundle added to their cart, but not the entire bundle. This is great to show them that the bundle exists in case they didn’t see it. The funnel popup can be shown on different pages, such as the cart page. This is one of the most popular ways of showing discounted bundles.
Funnel upsell popups in the cart

Experiment with other bundle types

We already briefly mentioned some other bundle types, but let’s explain exactly what they are. Understanding and using these bundle types can be a great way to use your discounts in different ways and increase the number of sales in your store. Bundler currently offers up to 5 different bundle types. Those include:

  • Classic bundles,
  • Mix & Match bundles,
  • Tiered Mix & Match bundles,
  • Sectioned Mix & Match bundles,
  • Volume discounts.

Classic bundles are the most default bundles. It’s very simple. You pick which products you would like to include in a bundle, and then your customers pick whether they want to buy the bundle or not.

Mix & Match bundles give your customers a bit more freedom. It allows them to build their own bundle from a selection of products, based on your requirements.

Tiered Mix & Match bundles and Sectioned Mix & Match bundles are two variants of the Mix & Match bundle. Tiered Mix & Match allows your customers to gain additional discounts based on more products that they add from the selection, and sectioned Mix & Match bundles allow your customers to go through different sections and buy products from each of the sections.

The volume discounts are a bit different. It allows your customers to get site-wide discounts when your customers buy in bulk which are applied throughout your entire store.

Analyzing and monitoring your bundle discounts

Another important factor after you’ve set up your bundle discounts, is to monitor how they are performing. Bundler offers a great analytics page, where you can constantly monitor how your bundles are performing and this way further optimizes your sales and profitability.

You can access these settings by going to Bundler -> Analytics.

Here are some of the things you can track with analytics:

  • Total generated value,
  • Average order value,
  • Total conversions,
  • Number of times bundle discounts were applied,
  • Conversions over time,
  • Sales over time,
  • And more!
Analytics in bundler

Improving your discounts with subscription integration

Another great feature of Bundler is the option to integrate it with many other popular Shopify apps. The most notable integration is subscription integration. This enables your bundles to be offered together with subscriptions, which means that your customers can subscribe to products inside each bundle to get more discounts. The most notable app for subscription integration with Bundler is the best subscription app in Shopify - Seal Subscriptions.

Seal Subscriptions in Shopify app store


In conclusion, enabling different ways to have Shopify discounts in your store such as bundling products together can have a big impact on your Shopify store’s performance. By understanding the importance of discounts and selecting the right products together to bundle, you create an experience that can attract customers, boost average order value, and drive overall sales.

Bundler features allow you to experiment with different discount strategies that many different online stores find useful. Implementing the mentioned best practices will not only increase your store’s revenue but also enhance customer’s shopping experience.

We hope that this article helps you further in implementing Shopify discounts in ways you might not know before.

To Explore more, check out: How to Create a Shopify Automatic Discounts For Your Store?

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