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The Complete Guide on Shopify Maintenance In 2024

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Shopify is the leading eCommerce platform globally and the largest in the US (source:, empowering millions of businesses to thrive online. Running an online store also comes with similar responsibilities as running a brick-and-mortar store.

Your Shopify store needs regular maintenance so your business doesn't get affected by any unexpected challenges.

But how do you conduct Shopify maintenance? We've got you covered. In this article, we will explore Shopify maintenance in-depth and equip you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to keep your store running smoothly and attracting customers.

Understanding Shopify Site Maintenance

What is shopify maintenance?

Keeping your Shopify store running smoothly is crucial for a successful online business. That's where site maintenance comes in.

What is Shopify Site Maintenance?

Shopify maintenance is the continuous process of monitoring, updating, and optimizing your store to ensure a complete, hassle-free user experience and optimal performance.

Maintaining a Shopify site or store involves several key components:

  • Content Updates: Regularly refreshing your product descriptions, blog posts, and other content keeps your store engaging and relevant.
  • Security Updates: Applying security patches and software updates protects your store from vulnerabilities and ensures smooth operation.
  • Plugin Management: Adding and updating plugins can enhance functionality, but outdated or incompatible plugins can cause issues. Regularly review and manage them.
  • Performance Optimization: Monitoring page load times, mobile responsiveness, and overall performance help identify and fix any bottlenecks that might hinder user experience.

Shopify itself doesn't have a built-in "maintenance mode," but there are ways you can put your store functions on pause while you make changes from the backend. We will dig deeper into this in the next section.

Importance of Regular Shopify Site Maintenance

Maintaining your Shopify store comes with many benefits, including:

  • Improved User Experience: A smooth and fast website keeps customers happy and coming back.
  • Enhanced SEO: Search engines favor well-maintained and optimized sites, improving your store's visibility. For instance, if your website's content is optimized with relevant keywords, it becomes more visible for the relevant search queries on the web. High-quality product images with alt texts and clear transactional CTAs are all aimed at improving your store's visibility.
  • Reduced Security Risks: Timely security updates minimize vulnerabilities to cyberattacks.

Neglecting maintenance can lead to problems like:

  • Slow Loading Times: Frustrated customers may abandon carts if your site is slow.
  • Security Breaches: Outdated software can become a target for hackers, putting customer data at risk.
  • Poor Search Engine Ranking: A neglected site will struggle to rank well in search results.

Shopify Maintenance Mode: How Does it Work?

Now that you know the benefits of maintaining your store, let's talk about the Shopify maintenance mode.

As we previously discussed, Shopify does not offer a built-in maintenance mode. However, Shopify offers a "password protection" feature that essentially puts your store in maintenance mode. While your site remains accessible to the public, visitors will encounter a password-protected page explaining the temporary closure.

If you need to temporarily take your Shopify store down, here's how to enable "maintenance mode":

shopify maintenance mode
  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences.
  2. Scroll down to Password Protection and check the box.
  3. Craft a message explaining your absence.
  4. Save changes - your store is password-protected!

Remember, follow these steps again with the checkbox unchecked to bring your store back online.

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8 Important Aspects of Shopify Website Maintenance

How to maintain your Shopify website?

Source: Canva

Maintaining a Shopify website involves several crucial aspects that ensure your online store operates smoothly, securely, and efficiently.

Here are some of the most critical areas to focus on:


If you are running an enterprise-scale website, having a robust hosting solution is essential. The choice between managed hosting services and dedicated servers significantly impacts your site's performance and reliability.

Managed hosting services offer a comprehensive solution that handles server management, security updates, and backups. This option is ideal if your business is looking for convenience and support, though it typically comes at a higher cost.

Dedicated servers provide greater control and customization, allowing your business to customize the server environment to your specific needs. The main challenge here is that,, you will need the necessary technical expertise in addition to increased costs for hardware, maintenance, and security management.


Protecting customer data from breaches and hacking is one of the most critical aspects of running an online eCommerce business. To maintain this, you need to:

  • Update your SSL certificates to ensure encrypted data transfer.
  • Set up firewalls to block unauthorized access.
  • Conduct regular malware scans to detect and remove malicious software. Perform routine security audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

Technical Support

Having dedicated technical support is essential for quickly resolving issues and implementing updates. There are several options for technical support: in-house IT professionals, outsourced services, and managed service providers.

In-house IT teams:

  • Offer immediate, personalized support.
  • Can be costly due to salaries and benefits.

Outsourced services:

  • Provide expertise and flexibility at a lower cost.
  • May lack the same level of immediacy and familiarity with your specific setup.

Managed service providers:

  • Offer a balanced approach.
  • Provide comprehensive support and maintenance.

Content Management

A content management system (CMS) helps update your content and create engaging content at the same time.

Regular maintenance and optimization of the CMS ensure that product descriptions, blog posts, and other content remain relevant and appealing to customers. This involves updating content regularly, optimizing images and videos for faster load times, and ensuring that the CMS itself is updated to the latest version to benefit from new features and security patches.

Platform Updates and Upgrades

Keeping your Shopify platform updated is crucial to take advantage of the latest technologies, security patches, and regulatory compliance. Regular updates prevent vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers and ensure that your store remains compatible with new devices and browsers.

​​To keep up with the platform updates, here are a few things to do:

  • Regular Updates: Shopify and other theme designers periodically release updated versions of themes on the Shopify Theme Store.
  • Content of Updates: These updates typically include new features, design enhancements, and bug fixes.
  • Access to Theme Updates: If you've installed a free or paid theme from the Shopify Theme Store, you can add the updated version to your theme library for free when it's released.
  • Maintaining Store Security: To keep your Shopify store up to date, enable automatic updates for the Shopify POS app and regularly review Shopify's policies and compliance requirements.
  • Updating Shopify Apps: Visit the Shopify App Store and check for updates in the 'Apps' section of your Shopify admin. Regular updates ensure compatibility and new features.

Third-Party Integrations

Integrating your Shopify store with other systems like ERP, CRM, PIM, and marketing tools enhances functionality and efficiency. However, these integrations require regular maintenance to ensure they operate smoothly. This involves troubleshooting API connections, synchronizing data across platforms, and updating integrations to remain compatible with both Shopify and third-party systems.

Performance Optimization

Your website performance is everything. Optimizing it helps improve user experience and your search engine rankings.

Here are some ways you can do it:

  • Reduce image file sizes
  • Minimize code
  • Implement caching
  • Use a CDN
  • Optimize for mobile
  • Install SSL certificate
  • Conduct performance audits
  • Ensure browser compatibility
  • Maximize loading speed

These activities reduce load times, enhance user satisfaction, and boost SEO performance.

Compliance Requirements

Compliance with standards such as PCI DSS for payment processing and GDPR for data privacy is mandatory for operating a Shopify store. Regular audits, assessments, and ongoing monitoring are necessary to meet these regulations. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and damage to your brand's reputation.

In short, maintaining a Shopify website requires attention to multiple aspects, each with its associated costs. Investing in these areas ensures your store runs smoothly, remains secure, and provides an excellent user experience, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of your online business.

Quick read: 8 Types of Shopify Development Services and Top 11 Company Examples

A Comprehensive Shopify Store Maintenance Checklist

Shopify Store Maintenance Services Checklist

Maintaining the Shopify store doesn't just mean addressing and resolving issues. It also includes completing regular tasks on time and staying organized to minimize the chances of technical or security errors.

To ensure your Shopify store maintenance service is always up to the mark, here is a checklist you can follow:

  • ​​Ensure your business name, email, phone number, and physical address are up-to-date and accessible.
  • Verify all product claims, availability notifications, and promotional details for accuracy and compliance.
  • Check relevant websites for any product recall notices and act immediately if a recall affects your store.
  • Communicate promptly with customers about any changes or delays in their orders, and provide clear shipping timelines.
  • Ensure all policies (refund, shipping, privacy, terms of service) are current and compliant with relevant consumer protection laws.
  • Review marketing strategies to ensure no misleading or deceptive practices, especially in stock notifications and discount offers.
  • Check that order fulfillment and delivery information is accurate and compliant, particularly regarding import fees and customs charges.
  • Consult with legal counsel to stay updated on changes in consumer protection laws in regions where you conduct business.

Shopify handles core PCI compliance for most stores (you don't need to be a security expert). Yet, there are a few things you can do:

  • Review Shopify's PCI resources to understand their security practices.
  • For Level 1 merchants (processing over 6 million transactions annually), additional actions might be required. Refer to the PCI SSC website for details. (
  • Review and update firewall configurations.
  • Conduct regular malware and vulnerability scans.
  • Ensure strong encryption for data transmission.
  • Perform regular security tests and quarterly vulnerability scans.
  • Maintain strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Shopify account.
  • Limit staff access to only the information they need to perform their tasks.
  • Be cautious about phishing emails and suspicious login attempts.
  • Stay informed about security best practices and keep your Shopify software up-to-date.

Remember, this checklist is a starting point. You may need to adjust the frequency of tasks based on your specific business needs and traffic volume.

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Shopify Support and Maintenance Services

Keeping your Shopify store up and running at all times can require some technical know-how. Luckily, you have Shopify support services at your disposal.

Shopify offers many support options, including Shopify Help Center, Virtual Help Assistant, Email support, Shopify Community, and Shopify’s social media channels.

Let’s dive into each of them.

  • Shopify Help Center and the Virtual Help Assistant

Shopify Help Center and the Virtual Help Assistant

Shopify Help Center is nothing but Shopify's knowledge and resource center, where merchants like you can find answers to your common queries in the form of articles, tutorials, and guides. This is your first pit stop in case of any common issues. On the same page, you will find a Virtual Help Center Assistant chat where you can send in your queries and get immediate solutions.

  • Email

If you are facing a more technical issue within your store, you can always reach out to the Shopify team through email at Be sure to submit a detailed email for your specific issue. Due to the volume of emails, the Shopify team might take longer to respond to emails.

  • Shopify Community

Shopify Community

If you are looking for quicker solutions, the Shopify Community is another great platform for Shopify merchants. You can share experiences, ask questions, and potentially find solutions from others who have faced similar challenges.

  • Social Media Channels

Shopify support page on Twiiter

You can also reach out to Shopify on Twitter and Facebook for answers or to share general feedback. While not ideal for complex issues, it's another avenue for initial contact.

  • Third-party Shopify maintenance services

You can also explore third-party Shopify maintenance services or apps for your store. They help in enhancing your store’s performance, security, and user experience. The services typically offered include:

  • Shopify app integration
  • Full site development
  • Theme customization
  • Bug fixing
  • Store and product management
  • SEO and security monitoring

A few third-party Shopify maintenance partners include:

  • The4
  • Folio3
  • Clap Creative
  • Under Construction Coming Soon

Addressing Common Issues: Is Shopify Down for Maintenance?

Is Shopify Down for Maintenance? - Shopify status page

Like any other eCommerce platform, Shopify might experience occasional hiccups, including planned maintenance from Shopify's end for major updates.

How to Deal with Shopify Outages and Maintenance?

Here's how you can plan ahead for Shopify outages and maintenance:

  • Check Shopify Status: Visit the official Shopify Status page to see if there are any ongoing service disruptions.

The Shopify Status page highlights errors in critical services areas such as:

  • Admin
  • Checkout
  • Reports and Dashboards
  • Storefront
  • API & Mobile
  • Third-party services
  • Support
  • Point of sale
  • Oxygen

In the image, you can see how it is shown as "No known issues' under each area, meaning the system is operating properly. However, certain issues that affect a small percentage of stores may not be reflected here.

  • Down for Everyone (or Just You?): If the status page reports no issues, the problem might be isolated to your store. Try accessing your store from a different device or browser.

Resources for Staying Informed:

  • The official source for real-time updates on Shopify's service health.
  • The Shopify Community is a valuable resource for outage discussions and insights from other merchants. Keep an eye on relevant threads.

Minimizing Outage Impact:

  • If you suspect an outage, inform your customers through social media or email. Explain the situation and offer an estimated recovery timeframe.
  • Develop a plan for handling outages. Consider offering alternative sales channels (e.g., social media storefronts) during downtime.
  • Utilize downtime for productive tasks like product inventory updates, marketing campaign planning, or content creation.

Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in minimizing the impact of Shopify outages on your business.

Key Takeaway

Regular Shopify maintenance might seem like a chore, but it really isn't. Rather, it is an investment.

In this guide, we covered the key components of maintenance, from security updates and performance optimization to content management and technical support. By prioritizing these tasks, you ensure your store remains secure, performs flawlessly, and thrives in this competitive e-commerce world.

If you want to learn more about Shopify, explore the PageFly resources and blog section for additional articles, tutorials, and expert insights.

Read more: Top 3 Main Shopify Services and Trusted Providers for your Store

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