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Best Shopify Collection Page designs made with PageFly

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Shopify collection pages. They're more important than you might think. We know that, for the most part, the product page reins supreme for capturing conversions. But to build a truly sustainable and profitable store, you’ll need to focus on collection pages, about us pages, coming soon page, and everything in between.

Shoppers love choice. But only when it’s organized in such a way that lets them filter to their preferences. Your Shopify collection page allows for easy organization of your products.

Think of these collections as categories. But more importantly, a way for shoppers to navigate their way through the foreign terrain that is your store to reach the desired destination. The product.

But beyond this, your collection page (like any other) is important for Google perceiving your site as valuable and ranking it for organic search terms. With the right content and SEO practices, your Shopify collection page can bring in organic traffic that converts into sales.


If you read my recent Shopify dropshipping guide, you know that you can create essentially any web page using PageFly. You’ll also know that we have the most competitive pricing compared with other page builders on the app store.

We’re proud of every single user that picks up PageFly and gives eCommerce a shot. Taking the design and creation process into your own hands is not an easy task, and we’re happy to provide a service that simplifies it.

And of course, sometimes we come across stores with an exceptional mesh of design and functionality. So in recognition of those, we made a quick list of some the best Shopify collection pages made with PageFly.

Everybody needs a little inspiration sometimes.

07 Innovative Shopify Collection Page Designs Made with PageFly


Itsse collection page

Nice neutral color tones work perfectly for cosmetic and beauty stores. Your collection page (or any page for that matter) doesn’t need to be fanciful. Content and credibility are infinitely more important. Products are neatly laid out here and the images are crisp enough to inspire trust.



I personally think the socks niche is fantastic. But when it comes to novelty socks, above all, shoppers need choice. Socktrunk’s ‘Funky’ category is just one of many that offer their visitors 90% of the information they need from the collection page alone. The blue and white design theme is understated and quite frankly, it works. 

Hovering the mouse over each product highlights it. Within the PageFly editor, there are a bunch of animation effects like this to make your store look like it was built by a pro designer.


Kinoian collection page

White or light grey backgrounds on product and collection pages is always a good idea, just because its what most consumers are used to. And people need to trust your brand. Being too outlandishly weird and different with design only works in rare cases, usually when branding is already well established.

Kinoian have a massive range of products, which can all be easily found using the drop-down menus for precise filtering.

52 Hike Challenge

52 Hike Challenge


Jennybird collection page

I really dig minimal design like this with large hero imagery. It’s especially important if you’re in a fashion niche to make a visual statement with your photography. Check the drop-down menu and the ‘Pin It’ icon that reveals itself when mousing over each collection.

Meraki Company

Meraki collection page

This Shopify collection page uses several tones to separate each section, which helps break up the page. There aren’t really any animations used here - a good call for maximum load speed and SEO.

I particularly like the fact that their drop-down menus use a combination of text and images.


This LockFeet's collection page is not just rows and rows of products.

It's a wisely calculated juxtaposition of different sections and elements to bring in an image of trustworthiness, professionalism and good craftmanship - it makes you want to scroll more, and see more. 

It starts with a crisp and beautiful Product photo accompanied with strong value propositions. This already-impressive Above The Fold section is then followed with a row of product right below, then it continues to go into more details about the products' benefits 

If you scroll down a bit, you will see a FAQ section and a Testimonial section - to clear any doubts online shoppers can have about the product and accelerate their decision making process. 

PageFly vs Shopify theme customization

Most of these Shopify collection page designs aren’t possible with free Shopify themes.

You could purchase a template from a third-party source like Themeforest, but even then, customizing it would be a headache without coding knowledge. Messing with the custom code could also seriously negatively impact the functionality of your store.

Let’s use the free Shopify Minimal theme as an example. Firstly, in the editor, there is little to no customization available for your logo and navigation. Plus, if we choose to keep the announcement bar we’re stuck with these parameters.

Shopify minimal theme

With PageFly you can customize every aspect of these sections without having to interfere with Shopify’s code. For example, a quick drag and drop allows me to create a design specific to my site with the logo on the right and navigation links on the left.

Pagefly page builder

But of course, the design is only a small part of the puzzle. Content is the key, and in the Shopify editor, you really can’t add much additional content to encourage users to click and buy.

With PageFly, you can completely replace the default Shopify collection page. Add your own images to each collection, and add more informative content above and below.

For example, product videos and GIFs are more likely to convert and are becoming increasingly important. Watch how I quickly use a 2 Block layout to add a GIF for a bracelets collection beside the actual collection.

 pagefly gif

And of course, if you want to add a product video, drag the Video HTML Element onto the page and upload your file there.

PageFly video element

Note: Video files must be smaller than 10mb in size.

Every day more merchants are starting to see the advantages of using PageFly - Fast Page Builder.

SEO importance for Shopify collections

Shopify is amazing, we know that much, but its SEO is far from anything to shout about. However, with a little tweaking, you can work it to your advantage.

For example, when naming collections, including keywords in the title is preferable rather than using an obscure name. This way the information is easier for Google to assess through your internal link structure.

Additionally, optimizing the Description and Website SEO can heavily influence search engine rankings. Your website SEO for collection pages can broaden the scope of queries and of course, give your readers a preview of what to expect by entering your site.

Collection page SEO

Remember, for Google to consider your page valuable, you need content. Here's a great collection page example.

jewelry collection page SEO

There’s a heading, meta description, and content all focused on solitaire rings as a keyword.

A mobile dominated marketplace

Mobile is taking over the world, essentially revolutionizing the way we live, work and play. We’re just so dependent on our phones that we don’t notice how radical the innovations are. We forget that we’re walking around with mini computers in our pockets.

Smartphones transformed the way we shop. So it’s vital that every eCommerce merchant understands its importance and operates their business with the mobile user in mind.

At PageFly, we adopted a mobile-first mentality from day one. When you’re creating pages like the ones featured in this list, you can literally go in and tinker about until the mobile experience is exactly how you want it. But more importantly, how you need it to be to create a high converting Shopify store.

Pagefly mobile optimization

For instance, switching the view from All to Mobile in the PageFly editor will allow you to make much-needed changes to the experience on mobile.

PageFly mobile

Shopify & PageFly. A match made in heaven

So, why should you use Shopify instead of hiring a web developer?

This question comes up a lot. And the answer is relatively simple.

The internet expands at an alarming rate, and website trends change even faster. Imagine forking out hundreds of dollars hiring a web designer only for your site to become outdated after 2 years. The only option is to rehire for updates and fork out even more cash.

Shopify stays on top of all trends and changes, with new apps and features constantly being released. You have complete control of your site for a fraction of the price.

Just as Shopify is constantly modernizing to match internet trends, PageFly developers update and streamline our app with new versions released on a consistent basis.

Shopify simplifies eCommerce. PageFly optimizes Shopify.

It’s a remarkable time to alive. Thanks to the computer networking revolution, there has never been so many avenues to make your fortune. The difficult part is not knowing which route to take to get there. We love to dabble, dipping our hands into multiple ventures and quitting at the first signs of failure.

But failure is your teacher.

eCommerce is one of many online business models that requires consistency to be successful. Just stick at it. I promise if you keep chipping away, eventually you’ll reach that sweet caramel center.

Update. New Shopify Collection pages built by PageFly App

Renegade GK

renegade gk collections page

Big Bertha Original

bigberthaoriginal collection page



kaiko collections page

Jewels to Jet

jewelstojet collection page

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