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PageFly 4.13.0: Mobile Layout, Performance and UX updates

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Hi There,

Richard here again from the PageFly team! We are excited to announce the release of PageFly version 4.13.0! This update brings a host of new features and improvements designed to enhance your website-building experience.

From updated elements to improved mobile navigation, this version is packed with updates that will help you create stunning and high-performing pages more efficiently. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new in PageFly 4.13.0.

Mobile Layout Update

Accordion Element

Auto-scroll Mechanism: The page will now automatically scroll to the content area when a user clicks to open an accordion item, improving the user experience.

Note: You need to drag a new element to use the updated version.

Content List Element

Improved Icon Position for Paragraphs in Mobile View: The positioning of icons within paragraphs has been enhanced for better alignment on mobile devices.

  • We have fixed the bug to have a column larger than the icon. Reduce the spacing for the small screen.
Content List Element
  • We applied Auto Apply Navigation 1 & Pagination 1 for the Content list Variant from 1 to 7 & 10, 11.
Content list Variant
  • We applied display partial items and changed Item spacing for Content list Variant 8,9,12,13.  
Content list Variant 8,9,12,13.

Slideshow Element

Improved Padding on Mobile Devices: We’ve optimized the padding for slideshow elements on mobile devices, ensuring a better viewing experience.

  • We applied auto display partial for Variant 3. From now it can auto-show partial items.
auto-show partial items
  • We fixed the problem of Section overflowing device viewport for variants 4 and 5.
fixed the problem of Section overflowing device viewport

List Element

Display Flex: We Added display flex for list items in the mobile setting

Added display flex for list items in the mobile setting

Navigation on Mobile

Enhanced Navigation Display: All navigation types will now be displayed by default in mobile view, instead of only showing upon hovering.

navigation types displayed by default in mobile view

Product List Element

  • Added Border for Product Details: Each product’s details in the product list will now feature a border, improving visual separation and clarity.
Added Border for Product Details

Performance Updates

Image Element

  • Image Loading Parameter: Users can now optimize image loading for each image with the new “Image loading” parameter.
  • Lazy Loading: Images load only when visible within the viewport, improving PageSpeed.
  • Preload: Images load as soon as possible when the page loads, improving LCP.
  • Standard: Enhances the overall user experience.
  • Optimized Image Loading Mechanism: The updated mechanism ensures correctly sized images are loaded on each device, increasing page speed and user experience.Note: You need to drag a new element to use the updated version.

Improve Accordion Element

  • We use HTML semantic elements to improve SEO and page performance.

UX Updates

Editor Page Header

Old Version:

old version Page Header

New Version:

new version Page Header
  • Updated Editor Header:
  • Removed “Return to page listing” icon on the top left.
  • Removed “Background process” and “Help” icons on the top right.
  • Moved the Save/Publish button above the Preview/View live view buttons.
  • Preview/View live view buttons now appear on the top right. The View live view button will be gray (inactive) if the page hasn't been published.
  • Changed “Auto Save” Function:
  • Removed the current “Auto Save” function.
  • “Auto Backup” function: Changes are backed up automatically and can be restored if the page is reloaded or closed without saving.
  • Clicking “Cancel” removes all unsaved changes.
  • Clicking “Restore” displays all changes in the editor, allowing users to save or make additional changes.
auto save new version
auto save new version
  • Updated “Save” Status:
  • Discard/Save buttons show at the top when changes are made.
  • Clicking “Save” displays the Publish button, hiding the Discard/Save buttons.
  • Number of Editors Icon: Displays when more than one tab is open for the same page, reducing overriding issues.
Display Number of Editors Icon

Merged “Add elements” and “Add Shopify elements” into “Elements”.

Created Mobile Layout for Editor

  • Updated Responsive Design: The editor and global styles now support responsive design.
  • Minimal Interactions on Mobile: Interactions on the mobile editor screen have been minimized.
  • Removed Small Screen Alerts.

Page Settings & Page Assignment Modal

  • Moved Page Settings Icon: The icon is now located in the left sidebar.
  • Page Assignment: For product or collection pages, the Page assignment now appears above the Page setting icon.
Page Settings & Page Assignment Modal updated

Version History

Improved version history UI for easier navigation and tracking.

Old Version

old version history

New Version:

new version history

Create a Custom Code Component

Replace the custom code modal UI with the custom code drawer.

Create Integration Component

Enhanced user experience for adding third-party elements.

Old version:

old version Integration Component

New Version:

new version Integration Component

Page Template Section

Changed Position of the Page Template Icon: Improved layout for better accessibility.

Changed Position of the Page Template Icon

Added “Add Section” Button: Located at the bottom of the section list in “Page content”.

Added “Add Section” Button

URL Picker Modal

Improved interface for selecting URLs within the editor.

URL Picker Modal

Created Store Content Component

The new component to streamline content management within the store.

Migrate Storefront Password Modal

Move the migrate storefront password modal to the store global settings.

Migrate Storefront Password Modal

Migrate HTML/Liquid Editor Modal

Enhanced editing experience with improved modal interface.

Migrate HTML/Liquid Editor Modal

Migrate Icon Picker Modal

Replace the icon picker modal UI with the icon picker panel.

Migrate Icon Picker Modal

Migrate Email Composer Modal

Replace the email composer modal UI with the email composer panel.

Migrate Email Composer Modal

Migrate Font Selector Modal

Improved font selection process with a more intuitive interface.

Migrate Font Selector Modal

Migrate Media Manager Modal

Enhanced image management with a new and improved modal.

Migrate Media Manager Modal

Migrate Metafield Picker Modal

Enhanced metafield management for better user experience.

Migrate Metafield Picker Modal

Improve “Edit with PageFly” Function

  • If the page is created by PageFly: Directly opens the page editor.
  • If the page is not created by PageFly: Opens the “Build a new page with PageFly” modal.
Improve “Edit with PageFly” Function

Final thoughts

We hope these updates in PageFly 4.13.0 will significantly enhance your page-building experience. Stay tuned for more exciting features and improvements in future releases. As always, we appreciate your feedback and support.

Addressing and resolving bugs is more than just tidying up, it's about enhancing the platform's efficiency and reliability. With every bug we fix, we're paving the way for a smoother, more intuitive experience, allowing you to focus more on growing your business and less on fixing technical issues.


PageFly Team.


Please visit our PageFly Blog for an overview of our prior PageFly upgrades. Stay tuned for our latest version updates:

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